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All results endpoint


This is an API which allows for fetching all results of a query and streaming all results back to the caller in a single call. This is similar to /s/search.json however with the following key differences:

  • Only the list of Results is returned from the data model.
  • By default all matching results are returned.
  • You can pick which fields of the Result model shoud be sent back e.g. you can select to receive only the liveUrl and title.
  • You can request either JSON or CSV (RFC 4180).
  • Some options have been altered to speed up processing for example options which do counting over the result set as well as ranking options.

Generally this endpoint is not intended as a source for search results to present to end users, but rather as a source of data for other systems which may need to perform further processing on a large set of results. For such systems, this endpoint avoids the need to paginate through the result set or use large num_ranks values which may exhaust the memory available to the server.


The JSON endpoint is:


and the CSV endpoint is:


These endpoints are available under the same locations as other modern UI search endpoints such as /s/search.json.

Getting started

Like /s/search.json you will need to set a query and collection URL parameter for example to get all results from the foo collection we could set:


Note: the query set is a special which will result in all documents being returned. It works by requesting every document that does not have the term PadreNull in the reserved and never defined metadata class FunDoesNotExist.

By default this will return a CSV file of every URL in the collection for example:



This endpoint accepts most parameters that can be set on /s/search.json. The endpoint also supports the following options:

  • fields: This option lets you pick, using a comma separated XPath style expression, which fields out of the Result model to be returned, by default this is set to &fields=liveUrl. To get the liveUrl, title and metadata author set this to: &fields=liveUrl,title,metaData/author. To view everything that is available set fields=/. See JXPath documentation for the syntax of the XPaths.
  • fieldnames: This option lets you set the names of the fields. In the CSV example above we set the name of liveUrl to URL this is done with the default being &fieldnames=URL. To rename the fields set in the previous example liveUrl, title and metadata author to URL, Title and Author set this to &fieldnames=URL,Title,Author. Note that the order of this parameter must match that of the fields parameter. Note that like /s/search.json the parameters &SM=both&SF=[author] must be set so that the metadata values of author are returned by the query processor.
  • optimisations: It is possible to turn off the default optimisations that have been applied by setting optimisations=false. This is likely to lead to poor performance of the API instead it is better to overwrite any query processor option by setting it in the request URL. For example to turn summaries back on set &SBL=250.
  • num_ranks: This sets the number of result to return, by default this is set to the highest possible value to get all results. It may be set on the request URL to limit the number of results returned for example to fetch only one hundred results the parameter could be set to &num_ranks=100.
  • start_rank: This sets the offset of the first result to return, by default this is set to 1. It may be set to other values on the request URL for example to start at the one hundredth result the parameter would be set to start_rank=101.
  • fileName: This sets a custom file name for the resulting CSV file. For example all-results.csv?collection=funnelback_documentation&query=%21padrenull&fileName=user_data.csv will return a file with the name user_data.csv.

Comma separated parameter format.

The parameters fields and fieldnames are comma separated lists which follow the RFC 4180 standard for escaping for example to name a field "foo,bar" the format would be """foo,bar""".

The values written to the CSV fields are the result of calling toString() on the object that is referenced by fields. It is recommended that fields reference only primitive (int, float) or their object wrapper classes (Integer, Float) as well as String and Date objects. Other objects may not have consistent or reliable toString behavior. If you need data from a more complex object, such as a Map, use a groovy script to convert the object into a String in the desired format. You can place this String into the customData map of the result.

Custom data

Unlike /s/search.html this endpoint does not use Freemarker form files to customise the returned response. To customise the data that is returned a hook script can be used to add data to the Result model customData map, values from this map can be fetched in a similar way metadata is accessed. The search transaction question type is set to SEARCH_GET_ALL_RESULTS, this allows hook scripts to only run when this end point is called for example the groovy script may have:

if ( {
    // Code to run when the all-results endpoint is hit.

Note that the end point may call the groovy script multiple times, each time with only a subset of the results that will be returned.

See also


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