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Define which fields to consider for result collapsing.

Key: indexing.collapse_fields
Type: String
Can be set in: collection.cfg


Defines which fields should be considered for result collapsing.

It consist of sequences of metadata class characters separated by commas. The characters $ and # may be used as metadata class characters and represent document summarisable text and document URL respectively. Commas are used to separate columns which can be selected at query time using the appropriate query processor option.

Default Value

Results are collapsed by their summarisable text by default:



Generate 2 signatures per document: Column 0 is the normal document signature and column 1 is a signature derived from the concatenation of metadata fields t and a in that order:


⚠ Caveats

using the "t" metadata

When "t" is used as the collapsing field, collapsing will apply for the actual value of the "t" metadata, which may be different from the document title. The best way to understand the differences is to display both the result title, and the value of the "t" metadata next to each other (Using the JSON or XML endpoint and the &SM=meta&SF=[t] CGI parameters). Usually, "t" will be multi-valued as the default metadata mapping maps it to different title fields and HTML h1 .. h4 headers.

See Also


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