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Simple search


Most searches on Funnelback or other search engines consist of a single word or list of words e.g.

  • Application form
  • jobs
  • "gene sequencing"

which you can type into the search box and get a list of results, with the most relevant content appearing higher in the list.

Things to note

  • In general, Funnelback will prefer documents which contain all of the query words (implicit AND).
  • Documents which are a partial match (contain some of the query words) may be displayed further down the ranking (implicit OR). By default Funnelback will only return partial matches if they contain 1 less query term than the full query (so a partial match for a query containing 4 words will be any result that matches 3 out of 4 of the words - results that match only 1 or 2 words will not be returned by default). This can be adjusted using the -laxity query processor option which can be set to the maximum number of constraints to relax when determining a partial match.
  • Searches are case-insensitive i.e. New York and new york will be treated the same. Case sensitive search can be enabled if required.
  • Words in Funnelback are any unbroken sequence of letters and/or numbers such as Romeo, 1999 or ENGN3410.
  • By default Funnelback will ignore very common stop words such as "the", "a" and "of" unless the query contains less than two other words. The default stop word list contains the full list of stop words used by default.
  • Use quote characters around your query words if you want to match the exact phrase e.g. "World Music".

See also


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