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Padre Cooler Options


This page describes the possible options for tuning the ranking using the cool query processor option. For more information about how raking works, see Funnelback_Ranking_Algorithms.

Those options can either be set in Query processor options (collection.cfg) or using CGI parameters (e.g. ...&cool.2=12&cool.3=34...).

List of cooler options

Number Description
0 content: content weight
1 onlink: onsite link weight
2 offlink: offsite link weight
3 urllen: URL length weight
4 qie: external evidence (qie) weight
5 date_proximity: proximity to current date weight
6 urltype: URL attractiveness (Homepages favoured. Copyright pages and URLS with lots of punctuation deprecated.)
7 annie: annotation weight (annie)
8 domain_weight: weight associated with this domain
9 geoprox: geographical proximity to origin
10 nonbin: non-binariness (1 for html, xml, txt, 0 otherwise)
11 no_ads: freedom from ads
12 imp_phrase: implicit phrase match score
13 consistency: consistency of evidence. (Extra reward for docs with non-zero scores on both content and annie.)
14 log_annie: logarithm of annotation weight (log(annie))
15 anlog_annie: absolute-normalised logarithm of annotation weight.
16 annie_rank: annotation rank = (k - rank)/ k. where k = 2 x highest rank requested - if rank > k, rank = k
17 BM25F: field-weighted Okapi score
18 an_okapi: absolute-normalised Okapi score.
19 BM25F_rank: field-weighted Okapi rank.
20 mainhosts: bias in favour of principal servers (web search only).
21 comp_wt: component collection weighting. (meta collections only).
22 document_number: document number in the crawl. An early position in the crawl may correlate with importance
23 host_incoming_link_score
24 host_click_score
25 host_linking_hosts_score
26 host_linked_hosts_score
27 host_rank_in_crawl_order_score
28 host_domain_shallowness_score
29 doc_matches_regex: document matches administrator supplied regex
30 doc_does_not_match_regex: document does not match administrator supplied regex
31 titleWords: number of words in title
32 contentWords: number of indexed words in document
33 compressionFactor: compressibility of document text
34 entropy: entropy of document
35 stopwordFraction: fraction of stopwords in the document
36 stopwordCover: fraction of stopword list present in the document
37 averageTermLen: average term length
38 distinctWords: number of distinct words in the document
39 maxFreq: frequency of most frequently occurring term
40 titleWords_neg: Neg number of words in title
41 contentWords_neg: Neg number of indexed words in document
42 compressionFactor_neg: Neg compressibility of document text
43 entropy_neg: Neg entropy of document
44 stopwordFraction_neg: Neg fraction of stopwords in the document
45 stopwordCover_neg: Neg fraction of stopword list present in the document
46 averageTermLen_neg: Neg average term length
47 distinctWords_neg: Neg number of distinct words in the document
48 maxFreq_neg: Neg frequency of most frequently occurring term
49 titleWords_abs: Abs number of words in title
50 contentWords_abs: Abs number of indexed words in document
51 compressionFactor_abs: Abs compressibility of document text
52 entropy_abs: Abs entropy of document
53 stopwordFraction_abs: Abs fraction of stopwords in the document
54 stopwordCover_abs: Abs fraction of stopword list present in the document
55 averageTermLen_abs: Abs average term length
56 distinctWords_abs: Abs number of distinct words in the document
57 maxFreq_abs: Abs frequency of most frequently occurring term
58 titleWords_abs_neg: Abs number of words in title
59 contentWords_abs_neg: Neg abs number of indexed words in document
60 compressionFactor_abs_neg: Neg abs compressibility of document text
61 entropy_abs_neg: Neg abs entropy of document
62 stopwordFraction_abs_neg: Neg abs fraction of stopwords in the document
63 stopwordCover_abs_neg: Neg abs fraction of stopword list present in the document
64 averageTermLen_abs_neg: Neg abs average term length
65 distinctWords_abs_neg: Neg abs number of distinct words in the document
66 maxFreq_abs_neg: Neg abs frequency of most frequently occurring term
67 lexical_span_score
68 doc_matches_cgscope1: Documents which match gscope defined by -cgscope1 (if defined)
69 doc_matches_cgscope2: Documents which match gscope defined by -cgscope2 (if defined)
70 doc_does_not_match_cgscope1: Documents which do not match gscope defined by -cgscope1 (if defined)
71 doc_does_not_match_cgscope2: Documents which do not match gscope defined by -cgscope2 (if defined)
72 raw_annie: Untransformed annie score linealry scaled to 0..1


Values are unbounded, but typical weights range from 0-100.


To set the query processor to ignore URL length, but give a high weight to phrase matches implied by the query:

 query_processor_options=-cool.3=0 -cool.12=100

See also


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