Skip to content processes a collection's data files, producing data reports on their contents. <--collection "collection config"> [--log]
                                                  [--datadir "data directory"]
                                                  [--output "output directory"]
                                                  [--hosts "host list file"] 


  • The collection configuration file must be specified, and must be a filesystem path to an existing, readable and valid collection configuration file.
  • "--log" may also be specified, and indicates that the script should write to a log file.
  • "--plain" may also be specified, and indicates that the script should output plain HTML instead of Funnelback look and feel HTML.
  • "--datadir "data directory"" may also be specified, and gives the directory to provide reports for.
  • "--output "output directory"" may also be specified, and gives the directory to write output to.
  • "--hosts "host list file"" may also be specified, and gives the location of a file on a disk that groups sites / hosts into groups and subgroups.

Function runs over a data directory, recording statistics on the directories contents, and outputs reports to HTML files.

The directory that runs over is specified by the collection configurations data_root setting, or by the "--datadir" option. The collection data_root setting should point to data gathered by an update. will place output in $SEARCH_HOME/admin/data_report/<collection> by default, or in the directory specified by "--output".

If "--log" is specified, the script will write a log called crawl_data_report.log to the log directory beside the specified data directory: eg, if the data directory is /opt/funnelback/data/<collection>/offline/data/, the log file will be /opt/funnelback/data/<collection>/offline/data/crawl_data_report.log, and if the data directory is /tmp/my_own_gathered_stuff/, the log file will be /tmp/log/crawl_data_report.log.

The reports produced will be plain HTML if "--plain" is specified. When this script is run by the update process, the files will include various substitutable strings, including: @ADMIN_HOME@, @ADMIN_BASE@ and @REPORT_BASE@. This is so that the admin UI can read these files from disk and substitute in links to the administration UI homepage, CSS files, images, etcetera.

A "hosts list" may be specified. If none is specified, a default of $SEARCH_HOME/conf/<collection>/sites-by-portfolio.csv is assumed. The hosts list does not have to exist and has negligible impact on the reports. If present, the list should be of the format:


For example:,businesses,funnelback,businesses,funnelback,governmental,australia,businesses,microsoft,government,australia,government,australia

Should the host list exist, various aggregate statistics will be produced. For example, statistics will not just be reported for individual sites, but for groups of sites.

See also


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