Interface Action

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AddQueryTerm, DisplayMessage, DisplayProperties, DisplayUrlAdvert, GroovyAction, PromoteUrls, RemoveUrls, ReplaceQueryTerm, SetQuery, TransformQuery

    public interface Action

    Action defines an 'action' performed by the curator system to modify search results in some way.

    Actions may run in an input or output phase (or both) to modify either the request to be sent to padre or the packet of results to be returned to the user.

    Implementing subclasses must perform the desired action by modifying the passed searchTransaction object within the performAction method.

    NOTE: To avoid displaying the full package name for the implementing class in the curator config file add the implementing class to the aliasedActions array in publicui-web's

    • Method Detail

      • performAction

        void performAction​(SearchTransaction searchTransaction,
                           Action.Phase phase)

        Perform the defined action by modifying the searchTransaction object.

        searchTransaction - Current search transaction
        phase - The phase being processed (Some actions may wish to behave differently depending on the current phase of processing).
      • runsInPhase

        boolean runsInPhase​(Action.Phase phase)
        phase - The phase being processed (Some actions may wish to behave differently depending on the current phase of processing).
        true if this action should be run in the given phase, otherwise return false.
      • configure

        void configure​(Configurer configurer)
        Perform any configuration required (e.g. autowiring beans needed by the Action).