Class MetadataFieldFill

    • Constructor Detail

      • MetadataFieldFill

        public MetadataFieldFill​(java.lang.String metaDataClass)
    • Method Detail

      • getQueryStringCategoryExtraPart

        public java.lang.String getQueryStringCategoryExtraPart()
        Gets the extra part of the query string param name e.g. f.|=value.
        Specified by:
        getQueryStringCategoryExtraPart in class CategoryDefinition
      • matches

        public boolean matches​(java.lang.String value,
                               java.lang.String extraParams)

        Given the value of a query string parameter, and any extra parameters, whether this category types is relevant for this parameter.

        For example: f.By Date|

        • value = 2010-01-01
        • extra =

        A category of type "metadata fill" for the "" metadata should return true.

        Specified by:
        matches in class CategoryDefinition
        value - The value to check for.
        extraParams - The extra parameter to check for.
        true if this category definition matches, false otherwise.
      • getQueryConstraint

        public java.lang.String getQueryConstraint​(java.lang.String value)
        The specific query constraint to apply for the passed value.
        Specified by:
        getQueryConstraint in interface MetadataBasedCategory
        value - Value for this category
        The corresponding query constraint (ex: "x:$++ <value> $++", or "v:<value>")
      • getQueryProcessorOptions

        public java.util.List<QueryProcessorOption<?>> getQueryProcessorOptions​(SearchQuestion question)
        Description copied from class: CategoryDefinition

        Get additional query processor options to apply for this category definition.

        That gives the opportunity to the category definition to add additional QPOs that it may need. QPOs may differ depending if the facet is currently selected or not, such as setting -count_urls dynamically depending on the current number of segments in the URL drill down facet

        Specified by:
        getQueryProcessorOptions in class CategoryDefinition
        question - Can be used to inspect the currently selected facets and return appropriate QPOs
        A list of query processor options
      • allValuesDefinedByUser

        public boolean allValuesDefinedByUser()
        Description copied from class: CategoryDefinition
        Tells you if all the CategoryValues this CategoryDefiniton can produce are ones that must be set on the category by the user.

        Values defined by the user are ones like gscopes where values not from the user come from other sources such as metadata.

        Specified by:
        allValuesDefinedByUser in class CategoryDefinition
        true if all values are defined by the user and not generated from the data.