Class FacetedNavigationProperties

  • public class FacetedNavigationProperties
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • FacetedNavigationProperties

        public FacetedNavigationProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • useDedicatedExtraSearchForCounts

        public boolean useDedicatedExtraSearchForCounts​(FacetDefinition facet,
                                                        SearchTransaction searchTransaction)
        Do we need to run a dedicated extra search to work out the counts? For a selected facet that is a OR type facet we do because the result set could be expanded when selected. Thus counting rmcf/gscopes in the main search will come out under and counting in the unscoped extra search will come out over so we need a dedicated extra search. We don't need to run the extra search if the facet is not selected as clicking on it (as between facets we always AND) the result set will go down so the main sarch counts can be used.
        facet -
      • useScopedSearchWithFacetDisabledForCounts

        public boolean useScopedSearchWithFacetDisabledForCounts​(FacetDefinition facet,
                                                                 SearchTransaction searchTransaction)
      • useScopedSearchWithFacetDisabledForValues

        public boolean useScopedSearchWithFacetDisabledForValues​(FacetDefinition facet,
                                                                 SearchTransaction searchTransaction)
      • useUnscopedQueryForCounts

        public boolean useUnscopedQueryForCounts​(FacetDefinition facet,
                                                 SearchTransaction searchTransaction)
        Can we use the counts from the unscoped query? We can do this for single select unselect other facets as the count from the unscoped query will be the same as selecting any value which will first remove any facets (like the unscoped query) and then apply a single constraint (which we can count from the unscoped query).
        facet -
        searchTransaction -